Cine suntem
Fondul de Garantare a Drepturilor din Sistemul de Pensii Private este constituit ca persoană juridică …
Comunicat FGDSPP privind transmiterea documentelor in perioada aplicarii masurilor exceptionale generate de criza COVID-19
Ca urmare a situației dezvoltate de propagarea Coronavirusului, Covid-19, în România, conducerea FGDSPP a luat decizia ca primirea documentelor destinate Fondului să se facă doar electronic. Astfel, primirea fizică a înscrisurilor la sediul FGDSPP nu mai este acceptată momentan. Documentele se pot transmite electronic doar prin intermediul adresei de email: office@fgdspp.ro. Măsura este de natură a proteja angajații și activitatea FGDSPP dar și pe cea a persoanelor care intenționau să depună fizic, documente la Fond. Pe măsură ce evoluția situației generate de COVID-19 va face posibilă revenirea la recepția fizică a înscrisurilor, Fondul va reveni cu un anunț, în acest sens.
Scopul Fondului de Garantare a Drepturilor din Sistemul de Pensii Private este acela de a garanta drepturile participanţilor …
Misiunea Fondului de Garantare a Drepturilor din Sistemul de Pensii Private este aceea de a compensa pierderile participanţilor …
Fondului de Garantare a Drepturilor din Sistemul de Pensii Private se ghidează …
Structura organizatorică a FGDSPP
Fondului de Garantare a Drepturilor din Sistemul de Pensii Private are următoarea structură organizatorică …
Extras din Politica de prelucrare a datelor
Fondul de Garantare a Drepturilor din Sistemul de Pensii Private (FGDSPP) este constituit ca persoana juridica de drept public, fiind supravegheat ?i controlat de catre Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiara, înfiin?at în anul 2012, în baza Legii nr. 187/2011.
Dear Madame, Dear Sirs!
Sending newsletters via forms of Your messages into the “Contact us” section to the sites of companies via any domain zones of the world.
Your message is sent to email address of institution 100 percent will get to the inbox!
10000 messages on foreign zones to your electronic box – twenty dollars.
We need from You only electronic box, title and text of the letter.
In our price list there are more 800 databases for all domain zones of the world.
Common databases:
All Europe 44 countries 60726150 of domain names – 1100$
All European Union 28 countries 56752547 of domains- 1000$
All Asia 48 countries 14662004 of domains – 300$
All Africa 50 countries 1594390 of sites – 200$
All North and Central America in 35 countries 7441637 of domains – 300$
All South America 14 countries 5826884 of domains – 200$
New domain names from around the world registered 24-48 hours ago. (A cycle of 15 mailings during the month) – 500$
Companies and Enterprises of RF 3012045 – 300$
Ukraine 605745 of sites – 100$
All Russian-speaking countries minus Russian Federation are 15 countries and there are 1526797 of sites – 200$
New domains of the Russia, registered 24-48 hours ago (A cycle of 15 mailings during the month) – 250$
Databases for sending newsletters:
Whois-service databases of domains for all countries of the world.
You can purchase our databases separately from newsletter’s service at the request.
Pls., do not respond to this commercial offer from your email account, as it has been generated in automatic mode and will not reach us!
Contact E-mail: feedback-contact@seznam.cz
Test mailing: $20 – 10000 contact forms websites
All Europe 44 countries there are 60726150 websites – $1100
All EU 28 countries there are 56752547 websites – $1000
All Asia 48 countries there are 14662004 websites – $500
All Africa 50 countries there are 1594390 websites – $200
All North and Central America is 35 countries there are 7441637 websites – $300
All South America 14 countries there are 5826884 websites – $200
Top 1 Million World’s Best websites – $100
Top 16821856 the most visited websites in the world – $200
Businesses and organizations of the Russian Federation – there are 3012045 websites – $300
Ukraine 605745 websites – $100
All Russian-speaking countries minus Russia – there are 15 countries and 1526797 websites – $200
1499203 of hosting websites around the world (there are selections for all countries, are excluded from databases for mailings) – $200
35439 websites of public authorities of all countries of the world (selections for all countries, are excluded from databases for mailings) – $100
CMS mailings:
Amiro 2294 websites $50
Bitrix 175513 websites $80
Concrete5 49721 websites $50
CONTENIDO 7769 websites $50
CubeCart 1562 websites $50
Datalife Engine 29220 websites $50
Discuz 70252 websites $50
Dotnetnuke 31114 websites $50
Drupal 802121 websites $100
HostCMS 6342 websites $50
InstantCMS 4936 websites $50
Invision Power Board 510 websites $50
Joomla 1906994 websites $200
Liferay 5937 websites $50
Magento 269488 websites $80
MODx 67023 websites $50
Movable Type 13523 websites $50
NetCat 6936 websites $50
NopCommerce 5313 websites $50
OpenCart 321057 websites $80
osCommerce 65468 websites $50
phpBB 3582 websites $50
Prestashop 92949 websites $50
Shopify 365755 websites $80
Simpla 8963 websites $50
Sitefinity 4883 websites $50
TYPO3 227167 websites $80
UMI.CMS 15943 websites $50
vBulletin 154677 websites $80
Wix 2305768 websites $230
WordPress 14467405 websites $450
WooCommerce 2097367 websites $210
.com 133766112 websites commercial – $1950
.biz 2361884 websites business – $150
.info 6216929 websites information – $250
.net 15689222 websites network – $450
.org 10922428 websites organization – $350
.abogado 279 websites – $50
.ac 16799 websites – $50
.academy 27306 websites – $50
.accountant 96542 websites – $50
.actor 1928 websites – $50
.ad 414 websites – $50
.adult 10540 websites- $50
.ae 1821 websites International zone UAE:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.ae 199533 websites UAE – $50
.aero 18325 websites- $50
.af 3315 websites – $50
.africa 15056 websites- $50
.ag 10339 websites – $50
.agency 47508 websites – $50
.ai 17199 websites – $50
.airforce 560 websites – $50
.al 6078 websites – $50
.alsace 1982 websites – $50
.am 17987 websites Armenia – $50
.am 1684 websites International zone Armenia:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.amsterdam 28141 websites Amsterdam, Kingdom of the Netherlands – $50
.ao 518 websites – $50
.apartments 3758 websites – $50
.ar 551804 websites Argentina – $80
.ar 64008 websites International zone Argentina:.com .net .biz .info .name .tel .mobi .asia – $50
.archi 2084 websites – $50
.army 1842 websites – $50
.art 26402 websites – $50
.as 10025 websites – $50
.asia 228418 websites – $80
.associates 3340 websites – $50
.at 1356722 websites Austria – $100
.at 181907 websites International zone Austria :.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$50
.attorney 8224 websites- $50
.attorney 7204 websites – $50
.au 2243263 websites Australia – $150
.au 461279 websites International zone Australia:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$80
.auction 3625 websites- $50
.audio 23052 websites- $50
.auto 400 websites- $50
.aw 235 websites- $50
.az 11104 websites Azerbaijan – $50
.az 2036 websites International zone Azerbaijan:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.ba 7012 websites – $50
.ba 2291 websites International zone Bosnia and Herzegovina:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.band 11515 websites – $50
.bank 1621 websites- $50
.bar 5506 websites – $50
.barcelona 7919 websites – $50
.bargains 2997 websites- $50
.bayern 32565 websites – $50
.bb 2277 websites – $50
.be 1349658 websites Belgium – $100
.be 184810 websites International zone Belgium:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$50
.beer 11834 websites- $50
.berlin 58088 websites Berlin – $50
.best 2912 websites – $50
.bet 17637 websites – $50
.bf 238 websites – $50
.bg 33252 websites Bulgaria – $50
.bg 50685 websites International zone Bulgaria:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.bh 453 websites – $50
.bi 2328 websites Burundi- $50
.bible 1160 websites – $50
.bid 474509 websites – $80
.bike 15729 websites – $50
.bingo 1332 websites – $50
.bio 15531 websites- $50
.bj 147 websites- $50
.black 6582 websites – $50
.blackfriday 12106 websites – $50
.blog 145463 websites – $50
.blue 16852 websites – $50
.bm 8089 websites Bermuda – $50
.bo 2302 websites- $50
.boats 266 websites- $50
.boston 21762 websites- $50
.boutique 8834 websites – $50
.br 2367290 websites Brazil – $150
.br 933750 websites International zone Brazil:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$100
.bradesco 129 websites- $50
.broadway 261 websites- $50
.broker 660 websites- $50
.brussels 7181 websites – $50
.bs 330 websites- $50
.bt 284 websites- $50
.build 3857 websites- $50
.builders 3906 websites- $50
.business 35168 websites – $50
.buzz 11257 websites – $50
.bw 656 websites – $50
.by 1574 websites International zone Belarus:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.by 92679 websites Belarus – $50
.bz 7751 websites – $50
.bzh 5403 websites – $50
.ca 2587463 websites Canada – $150
.ca 288395 websites International zone Canada:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$50
.cab 3223 websites – $50
.cafe 13606 websites – $50
.cam 5156 websites – $50
.camera 5236 websites – $50
.camp 6315 websites – $50
.capetown 4750 websites – $50
.capital 11387 websites – $50
.car 342 websites – $50
.cards 5992 websites – $50
.care 18204 websites – $50
.career 1217 websites – $50
.careers 7055 websites – $50
.cars 309 websites – $50
.casa 18918 websites – $50
.cash 13193 websites – $50
.casino 4354 websites – $50
.cat 108569 websites – $50
.catering 3482 websites – $50
.cc 1920589 websites Cocos Keeling Islands- $150
.cd 5365 websites – $50
.center 35353 websites – $50
.ceo 2458 websites – $50
.cf 476142 websites Central African Republic – $50
.cg 166 – $50
.ch 1471685 websites Switzerland – $100
.ch 205292 websites International zone Switzerland:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$50
.chat 11126 websites – $50
.cheap 3267 websites – $50
.christmas 15255 websites – $50
.church 21104 websites – $50
.ci 112 websites International zone Cote d’Ivoire:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.ci 5663 websites Cote d’Ivoire- $50
.city 46171 websites – $50
.cl 498401 websites Chile – $80
.claims 2374 websites – $50
.cleaning 2385 websites – $50
.click 181015 websites – $50
.clinic 7006 websites – $50
.clothing 13639 websites – $50
.cloud 134113 websites – $50
.club 1045323 websites – $100
.cm 12001 websites Cameroon- $50
.cn 1372416 websites International zone China:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$100
.cn 7264587 websites China – $300
.co 1778923 websites Colombia – $150
.coach 12002 websites- $50
.codes 6844 websites – $50
.coffee 17257 websites – $50
.cologne 5137 websites – $50
.cologne 5198 websites – $50
.com.ar 657716 websites Argentina – $80
.com.br 942898 websites Brazil – $100
.com.cy 11153 websites Cyprus – $50
.com.ni 23747 websites – $50
.com.np 38828 websites – $50
.com.ru, .net.ru, .org.ru, .spb.ru, .msk.ru 79058 websites Russia – $50
.community 13013 websites – $50
.company 61217 websites – $50
.computer 5039 websites – $50
.condos 2192 websites – $50
.construction 6804 websites – $50
.consulting 22128 websites – $50
.contractors 3982 websites – $50
.cooking 1476 websites – $50
.cool 16008 websites – $50
.coop 7879 websites – $50
.corsica 1042 websites – $50
.country 7144 websites – $50
.cr 7934 websites – $50
.credit 4020 websites – $50
.creditcard 825 websites – $50
.creditunion 511 websites – $50
.cricket 33413 websites – $50
.cruises 2234 websites – $50
.cu 137 websites – $50
.cv 1879 websites – $50
.cx 15753 websites – $50
.cy 11092 websites Cyprus – $50
.cy 710 websites International zone Cyprus:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.cymru 7114 websites – $50
.cz 193400 websites International zone Czech Republic:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$50
.cz 930208 websites Czech Republic – $80
.dance 6290 websites – $50
.date 123037 websites – $50
.dating 2892 websites – $50
.de 15078512 websites Germany – $450
.de 3894156 websites International zone Germany:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$200
.deals 8132 websites – $50
.degree 2178 websites – $50
.delivery 4782 websites – $50
.democrat 1072 websites – $50
.dental 7541 websites – $50
.dentist 3046 websites – $50
.desi 2647 websites – $50
.design 71711 websites – $50
.diamonds 2730 websites – $50
.diet 18291 websites – $50
.digital 31449 websites – $50
.direct 10629 websites – $50
.directory 18157 websites – $50
.discount 3898 websites – $50
.dj 7280 websites – $50
.dk 1320155 websites Denmark – $100
.dk 148164 websites International zone Denmark:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$50
.dm 23318 websites – $50
.do 5255 websites Dominican Republic- $50
.dog 10030 websites – $50
.domains 6553 websites – $50
.download 129223 websites – $50
.durban 2247 websites – $50
.dz 982 websites – $50
.earth 8139 websites – $50
.ec 11731 websites – $50
.edu 4445 websites – $50
.edu.np 4883 websites- $50
.education 22003 websites – $50
.ee 10490 websites International zone Estonia:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.ee 119701 websites Estonia- $50
.eg 1699 websites – $50
.email 77321 websites – $50
.energy 9769 websites – $50
.engineer 2785 websites – $50
.engineering 5533 websites – $50
.enterprises 6153 websites – $50
.equipment 5760 websites – $50
.es 1685048 websites Spain – $100
.es 541916 websites International zone Spain:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$80
.estate 9185 websites – $50
.et 124 websites – $50
.eu 3321576 websites Europe – $150
.eu 633384 websites International zone Europe:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$80
.eus 8116 websites – $50
.events 22115 websites – $50
.exchange 9432 websites – $50
.expert 31240 websites – $50
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.express 6919 websites – $50
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.fans 1388 websites – $50
.farm 13499 websites – $50
.fashion 12475 websites – $50
.feedback 2301 websites – $50
.fi 178337 websites Finland – $50
.fi 69631 websites International zone Finland:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia – $50
.film 3601 websites – $50
.finance 7982 websites – $50
.financial 4086 websites – $50
.fish 4162 websites – $50
.fishing 1423 websites – $50
.fit 17007 websites – $50
.fitness 9689 websites – $50
.flights 2119 websites – $50
.florist 2286 websites – $50
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.fm 5407 websites – $50
.fo 3098 websites- $50
.football 4877 websites – $50
.forex 212 websites – $50
.forsale 7118 websites – $50
.foundation 10118 websites – $50
.fr 2391045 websites France – $150
.fr 639546 websites International zone France:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$80
.frl 14028 websites – $50
.fun 86419 websites – $50
.fund 11205 websites – $50
.furniture 2246 websites – $50
.futbol 2783 websites – $50
.fyi 9772 websites – $50
.ga 12048 websites Gabon – $50
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.game 1996 websites – $50
.games 13234 websites – $50
.garden 914 websites – $50
.gd 4238 websites – $50
.ge 1676 websites International zone Georgia:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.ge 17361 websites Georgia – $50
.gent 3389 websites – $50
.gf 121 websites – $50
.gg 9443 websites – $50
.gh 693 websites – $50
.gi 1063 websites – $50
.gift 6281 websites – $50
.gifts 3757 websites – $50
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.gl 3575 websites – $50
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.global 38972 websites – $50
.gm 468 websites – $50
.gmbh 19186 websites – $50
.gold 9081 websites – $50
.golf 8319 websites – $50
.gop 1341 websites – $50
.gov 4525 websites – $50
.gov.np 1937 websites- $50
.gp 416 websites – $50
.gq 23306 websites – $50
.gr 356168 websites Greece – $80
.gr 57984 websites International zone Greece:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$50
.graphics 7155 websites – $50
.gratis 4283 websites – $50
.green 3661 websites – $50
.gripe 1075 websites – $50
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.gs 5108 websites – $50
.gt 15351 websites – $50
.guide 16044 websites – $50
.guitars 1278 websites – $50
.guru 60588 websites – $50
.gy 2447 websites – $50
.hamburg 23885 websites – $50
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.help 13500 websites – $50
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.hm 249 websites – $50
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.horse 2116 websites – $50
.host 31309 websites – $50
.hosting 4132 websites – $50
.house 18096 websites – $50
.how 1957 websites – $50
.hr 16592 websites International zone Croatia:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.hr 43565 websites Croatia – $50
.ht 2559 websites – $50
.hu 53940 websites International zone Hungary:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia – $50
.hu 618532 websites Hungary – $80
.id 37212 websites – $50
.ie 195987 websites Ireland – $50
.ie 49861 websites International zone Ireland:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia – $50
.il 224167 websites Israel – $80
.il 38537 websites International zone Israel:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$50
.im 20701 websites – $50
.immo 16009 websites – $50
.immobilien 7094 websites – $50
.in 1143482 websites India – $100
.in 266179 websites International zone India:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia – $50
.industries 3749 websites – $50
.ink 27117 websites – $50
.institute 10134 websites – $50
.insure 4615 websites – $50
.int 191 websites – $50
.international 23930 websites – $50
.investments 4113 websites – $50
.io 314287 websites British Indian Ocean – $50
.iq 1118 websites – $50
.ir 15487 websites International zone Iran:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.ir 427735 websites Iran- $80
.irish 3326 websites – $50
.is 31176 websites Iceland – $50
.ist 10060 websites – $50
.istanbul 13139 websites – $50
.it 2258105 websites Italy – $200
.it 954040 websites International zone Italy:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$100
.je 2716 websites – $50
.jetzt 11118 websites – $50
.jetzt 11704 websites – $50
.jewelry 3350 websites – $50
.jo 555 websites – $50
.jobs 46350 websites- $50
.joburg 3139 websites – $50
.jp 1146243 websites Japan – $100
.juegos 844 websites – $50
.kaufen 7134 websites – $50
.kg 664 websites International zone Kyrgyzstan:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.kg 8919 websites Kyrgyzstan – $50
.ki 1146 websites – $50
.kim 16637 websites- $50
.kitchen 6581 websites – $50
.kiwi 19426 websites – $50
.kn 1271 websites – $50
.koeln 23489 websites – $50
.kr 254447 websites Korea- $50
.krd 375 websites – $50
.kred 6120 websites – $50
.kw 423 websites – $50
.ky 1201 websites – $50
.kyoto 659 websites – $50
.kz 112459 websites Kazakhstan – $50
.kz 5876 websites International zone Kazakhstan:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.la 32189 websites Laos – $50
.land 14474 websites- $50
.lat 2971 websites – $50
.law 11842 websites – $50
.lawyer 11600 websites- $50
.lc 651 websites- $50
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.leclerc 127 websites- $50
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.loan 1932173 websites- $200
.loans 3914 websites – $50
.lol 7470 websites- $50
.london 82443 websites London, United Kingdom- $50
.love 22287 websites- $50
.lt 27710 websites International zone Lithuania:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.lt 89073 websites Lithuania- $50
.ltd 329225 websites – $50
.lu 43052 websites Luxembourg – $50
.lu 4125 websites International zone Luxembourg:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.luxury 905 websites – $50
.lv 61886 websites Latvia- $50
.lv 8887 websites International zone Latvia:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.ly 8013 websites – $50
.ma 51862 websites Morocco – $50
.maison 1123 websites – $50
.management 10088 websites- $50
.market 22167 websites- $50
.marketing 18262 websites- $50
.markets 816 websites- $50
.mba 3023 websites- $50
.mc 3036 websites Monaco – $50
.md 15435 websites Moldova – $50
.md 1293 websites International zone Moldova:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia
.me 761596 websites Montenegro – $80
.me 86897 websites International zone Montenegro:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia – $50
.media 40573 websites – $50
.melbourne 10041 websites – $50
.memorial 512 websites – $50
.men 470140 websites – $80
.menu 5512 websites restaurants- $50
.mg 3380 websites Madagascar- $50
.miami 14431 websites Miami, USA – $50
.mk 12704 websites – $50
.ml 70170 websites – $50
.mma 1706 websites – $50
.mn 16710 websites – $50
.mo 573 websites – $50
.mobi 462419 websites- $80
.moda 3015 websites – $50
.moe 7709 websites – $50
.mom 3145 websites – $50
.money 9731 websites – $50
.mortgage 3126 websites – $50
.moscow 22097 websites Moscow Russian Federation- $50
.movie 2575 websites – $50
.mr 1725 websites – $50
.ms 7565 websites – $50
.mt 1623 websites Malta – $50
.mu 6175 websites – $50
.museum 34464 websites – $50
.mv 1907 websites – $50
.mw 8579 websites Malawi – $50
.mx 609278 websites Mexico- $80
.mx 86593 websites International zone Mexico:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$50
.my 283349 websites Malaysia- $80
.mz 263 websites – $50
.na 781 websites – $50
.nagoya 7807 websites – $50
.name 135818 websites- $50
.navy 698 websites – $50
.nc 1240 websites – $50
.network 40018 websites – $50
.news 65546 websites – $50
.ng 16608 websites – $50
.ngo 3422 websites – $50
.ninja 49007 websites – $50
.nl 1019697 websites International zone Netherlands:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$100
.nl 3566172 websites Netherlands – $200
.no 579185 websites Norway – $80
.no 74318 websites International zone Norway:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$50
.nra 144 websites – $50
.nrw 18487 websites – $50
.nu 489605 websites Niue- $50
.nyc 67153 websites – $50
.nz 576127 websites New Zealand – $80
.om 1603 websites – $50
.one 63063 websites – $50
.ong 3422 websites – $50
.onl 3790 websites – $50
.online 695007 websites – $50
.ooo 6400 websites – $50
.org.np 7082 websites – $50
.org.ua 41362 websites – $50
.organic 1633 websites – $50
.osaka 628 websites – $50
.ovh 50056 websites – $50
.pa 1558 websites – $50
.paris 19283 websites – $50
.partners 6576 websites – $50
.parts 5514 websites – $50
.party 115578 websites- $50
.pe 59157 websites International zone Peru:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia – $50
.pe 69367 websites Peru – $50
.pet 8487 websites – $50
.pf 349 websites – $50
.pg 1979 websites Papua – $50
.ph 17940 websites Philippines – $50
.photo 17165 websites- $50
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.pictures 7807 websites- $50
.pink 6373 websites- $50
.pizza 5949 websites – $50
.pk 44464 websites Pakistan – $50
.pl 1675325 websites Poland – $100
.pl 327587 websites International zone Poland:.com.net.biz.info.org.name.tel.mobi.asia-$50
.place 7002 websites – $50
.plumbing 3005 websites – $50
.plus 9892 websites – $50
.pm 4401 websites – $50
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